2nd Early Career Researchers Meeting
of the
RSC-Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Group
We have the pleasure to host the Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Early Career meeting on July 27th 2018 in the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester.
The symposium is focussed on early career researchers (PhD and PDRA) working in supramolecular chemistry. This one-day symposium is a great opportunity for PhDs and postdocs to present their research and network with their peers and leaders within the supramolecular field. For more information follow this link: https://masc-ecr2018.weebly.com
The symposium is focussed on early career researchers (PhD and PDRA) working in supramolecular chemistry. This one-day symposium is a great opportunity for PhDs and postdocs to present their research and network with their peers and leaders within the supramolecular field. For more information follow this link: https://masc-ecr2018.weebly.com